Investment Protocol
Ilembe Investment Protocol
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) reviews regulatory systems in the areas of competition, consumer protection, company and intellectual property, as well as public interest regulation. The department oversees the work of national and provincial regulatory agencies mandated to assist the dtic in providing competitive and socially responsible business and consumer regulations, for easy access to redress and efficient markets.
The DTIC works hand in hand with the following institutions to achieve its mandate:
• The National Consumer Tribunal, which adjudicates on credit and consumer ma ers, to ensure equity in the credit market and balances the rights and responsibilities of credit providers and consumers;
• The National Credit Regulator, which regulates the consumer credit industry, to improve consumer protection in the end-user credit market and provide e ective debt counselling and review mechanisms;
• The Competition Commission, which is responsible for the investigation, control and evaluation of prohibited practices, exemption applications, mergers, and acquisitions; • The Competition Tribunal, which is an adjudication body responsible for promoting and maintaining competition through the implementation of the Competition Act;
• The World Intellectual Property Organisation, which facilitates South Africa’s contribution to an international regime for intellectual property

• The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, which deals with registration of companies, adherence to fi nancial standards, provision of business rescue interventions and enforcement of non-compliance;
• The Companies and Intellectual Property Tribunal, which is responsible for adjudicating matters arising from the Companies Act;
• The Takeover Regulation Panel and the Financial Reporting Standards Council, which will also be established pursuant to the Companies Act and assume responsibility for regulating a ected transactions and the issuance of standards; and
• The National Consumer Commission, which ensures well functioning markets that are fair, competitive and responsible to consumers.