iLembe District Municipality is situated on the east coast of South Africa, in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. iLembe is one of the 11 districts municipalities of the KwaZulu-Natal province and is also the smallest District Municipality in the province, with a total population of approximately 606
Enterprise Ilembe Incubator
Enterprise iLembe is the economic development agency wholly-owned by the iLembe District Municipality mandated to pursue and attract investment and facilitate economic development in the KZN iLembe District. The mandate of the Agency is to promote Trade & Investment opportunities within its four municipalities with the following sectors; Agriculture, Tourism, Manufacturing and Services. The objective of Enterprise iLembe is to improve the competitiveness of iLembe District by creating an environment that will enable local businesses within the district to compete successfully on the international stage, to participate in economy of the country and to promote local economic development. The philosophy that drives Enterprise iLembe is built on promoting a participatory process where local people from all sectors work together to stimulate local commercial activity, resulting in a resilient and sustainable economy. It is a tool that will help create decent jobs and improve the quality of life for everyone, including the poor and marginalized. This is reflected in the Industrial Development Strategy developed around the District. We think global and act local.
Enterprise iLembe is in the business of ensuring local economic development through small business development. The agency is responsible for SMME support, Entrepreneurship Promotion, enterprise and supplier development of SMMEs in the region. Enterprise iLembe therefore implemented a district wide business incubator to ensure that SMMEs in the District are supported, guided and nurtured.
Incubator support services
A secured, professional and work-friendly office space which includes the following
• Computers, with ADSL internet access;
• Telephone, fax and e-mail facilities;
• Meeting and boardroom facilities
Business support servives provided by Enterprise iLembe includes the following
• Comprehensive business tools and templates;
• Business Management training and Mentoring support;
• A professional accounting service and accounting officer validation and sign-off AFS at a minimal fee;
• Assistance with statutory and taxation compliance requirements;
• Access to information (updates on available tenders and business opportunities);
• Assistance with maintenance and management of CSD and other procurement portal
Projects implemented to
support ilembe small businesses
Radical Agrarian Socio-Economic Transformation
This project ensures a secured market for
local farmers, where Enterprise iLembe is appointed as the implementing agent for the implementation of the Radical Agrarian Socio-Economic
Transformation within iLembe district to support local farmers to produce required commodities and supply Government Demand Departments
(Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Social Development, etc.)

Our Partners & Stakeholder
The District Municipality covers approximately 3 260 square kilometers and is divided into four local municipalities;
KwaDukuza Local Municipality
Ndwedwe Local Municipality
Mandeni Municipality
Maphumulo Local Municipality
Address: Office No 22 Stanger Centre, KwaDukuza, 4450
Contact Number: 081 541 5082